Foxit PDF Silent Install

Where to download Foxit Reader with Enterprise Packaging? (MSI)

Here are a few useful information for MSI silent install package deployment which I normally use with my scripts to deploy it to a large number of machines.

Command-line Examples:

1. Install the application in quiet mode (no user interaction) to folder “C:\Program Files\Foxit Software”:

msiexec /i “Foxit PhantomPDF.msi” /quiet INSTALLLOCATION=”C:\Program Files\ Foxit Software “

2. Install only the Foxit PDF Viewer and Firefox Plugin:

msiexec /i “Foxit PhantomPDF.msi” /quiet ADDLOCAL=”FX_PDFVIEWER, FX_FIREFOXPLUGIN”

3. Use the license key file saved in disk C to activate the application when running the setup.

msiexec /i “Foxit PhantomPDF.msi” KEYPATH=”C:\fpmkey.txt”

4. No installation of Foxit PhantomPDF Printer.

msiexec /i “Foxit PhantomPDF.msi” ADDLOCAL=ALL, ADVERTISE=”FX_CREATOR” /qn

5. Use the key code to activate the program.

msiexec /i “FoxitPhantomPDF.msi” keycode=”97000-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX”

6. No installation of Print to Evernote.

msiexec /i “Foxit PhantomPDF.msi” TRANSFORMS=”xxx.mst”

(Note: The installation of Print to Evernote could be disabled via Foxit Customization Tool, then generate a .mst file for command line installation.)

FoxIt Reader command lines :

MSI Package install –