- February 29, 2016
- Posted by: Syed Shujaat
- Category: Uncategorized
ANAME Records
ANAME records are alias records that allow you to map the apex (root record) or any other record within your domain to a target host name. Creating an ANAME record is as simple as creating a CNAME record and only requires providing a name and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that you would […]
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Record
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) records allow a recipient to validate a sender as the owner of an email message. Domain Keys use public key encryption to apply digital signatures to email, this allows verification of the sender as well as of the integrity of the message in question. DK/DKIM record […]
SOA (Start of Authority) Record
SOA (Start of Authority) records are used to determine how your zone propagates to the secondary nameservers. DNS Made Easy creates a default SOA record for each domain added into our system. However, you can create and customize your own SOA record and assign it to a domain within DNS Made Easy. […]
Wildcard Record
Wildcard Records give you the ability to map all (or a section) of the records in your domain to one IP. Wildcard records can be A, CNAME, or HTTP Redirection Records. Any record not previously defined in your domain name with its own host name, will resolve to the IP of the wild card. USER […]
Pointer (PTR) records are used for configuration of Reverse DNS. View the full tutorial for configuration of Reverse DNS. PTR records must be configured within Reverse DNS domains. Assume the domain “147.94.208.in-addr.arpa.” you would create a PTR record with the following values: Name: […]
Round Robin
Load balancing / Round Robin configuration allows you to distribute your server load evenly among multiple servers. You would create multiple A records with the same name but with different associated IP’s. For example, assume two different A records, example.com pointed to and exam […]
HTTP Redirection Record
HTTP Redirection Records are special records in that they are a combination of an A record and the use of an application server which looks up the destination URL of the A record in a database. There are different types of HTTP Redirection. Standard Redirection sends your domain visitors to a […]
NS Record
NS Records are name server records. You can add additional NS records to a domain if you plan on using additional name servers that do not belong to DNS Made Easy. In order to do this, you must configure an ACL or Access Control List. USER ACTION STEP 1: Select the DNS Menu […]
TXT Record
TXT records hold free form text of any type. A fully qualified domain name may have many TXT records. The most common uses for TXT records are Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys (DK), and DomainKeys Identified E-mail (DKIM). TXT records historically have also been used to contain human readab […]
SRV Record
An SRV record is intended to provide information on available services for your systems, most commonly used with SIP configuration. SRV records have a unique system for naming. The naming system is an underscore followed by the name of the service, followed by a period, and underscore, and then the […]
SPF Record
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Records are used for email validation to mitigate spam. SPF records allow domain administrators to define all hosts allowed to send mail for a domain by creating a specific TXT record that is then used by mail exchangers to validate a senders identity. The data of an SP […]
MX Record
MX records are mail exchange records used for determining the priority of email servers for a domain. The lowest priority email server is the first destination for email. If the lowest priority email server is unavailable, mail will be sent to the higher priority email servers. USER ACTIO […]
CNAME Record
CNAME records are referred to as alias records since they map an alias to its canonical name. CNAME records allow an administrator to point multiple systems to one IP without specifically assigning an A record to each host name. If your server IP ever changes, you only have to change one A recor […]
AAAA Record
AAAA records are IPv6 address records which map a host name to an IPv6 address. USER ACTION STEP 1: Select the DNS Menu USER ACTION WHAT YOU WILL SEE STEP 2: Select Managed DNS USER ACTION WHAT YOU WILL SEE STEP 3:Selec […]
A Record
A records are address records which map a host name in a domain to an IP address. For example, www may be the name field of an A record within the example.com domain so that www.example.com points to the IP address of a web server which hosts content for the example.com domain. The root re […]
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